Saturday, February 25, 2012

Image and writings in film, video, television, advertising and media

Greetings everyone,

I am posting my views on statement of identity, likeness and image use in the media.

Note to family, friends, community and public: If someone writes a television show, movie, advertisement, visual/sculptural artwork or commercial using your picture, likeness, identity or individual true life stories and you have not physically signed or authorized a contract with them with you knowing exactly what's going on and the full disclosure of that business contract or written agreement for the purposes of the work your doing through face to face meeting and full communication disclosure online then that is illegal. ~GJB

I can say for sure that I have not entered into any agreements or written documents of using my own true story or anyone's true life story and have not received any direct monetary benefits or compensation. If the evidence is proven valid, documented and witnessed, that someone is using your true life events without your permission, then legal action is required.
Include in the legal issue film and video that may have been edited and used improperly over the internet. In addition: Don't forget to add car radio reality shows or listening, streaming, mobile, satellite, visual and GPS devices for the purposes of entertainment and exploitation of ideas for profitable gain is illegal if you do not have the persons express written consent.

Individuals who justify their less than transparent actions by raising the subject of statue of limitations and have entered into deceptive practices of using an individuals creative work and intellectual property of a group, family member or business without their knowledge should question their own moral value and character. Follow the Golden Rule.

Let Your inner voice rise-

Gloria J Bailey~GJB

~Content originally posted and now revised on social media at 6:45am on February 25th, 2012~

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