Wednesday, March 19, 2008


By: Gloria J Bailey

Images are very strong. They internalize in your psyche. That internalization forms an opinion that enters our society in either positive or negative views. Something disturbing has been unfolding over the past decades where by our thoughts and actions are tied more to images rather than us making a judgement to influence the image. We see a digital picture and immediately go straight to a resolution without any reflection or discussion. That action limits our free thinking and creativity. When an artist paints, sculpts or draws a picture there is an ongoing conversation in the mind that catapults our view visually to the created material. The more we as a society are clogged with what we are told to see and think the less we create and that is not beneficial to our society. So take time to reflect, discuss and then act on positive images. I have been looking for images that reflect my brown skin and ethnicity and there is a void, a gap as if Black and Brown positive images do not exist. When images of skin color do exist it is in the context of a box or category that only defines a portion of who I am. Therefore, as we document human stories we must continue to project the overall reality of our population. Someone once said, "there is BEAUTY in DIFFERENCE", and I certainly agree.

Let your inner voice rise,

Monday, January 7, 2008

Re-defining Change

Change is in the air. Everyone is talking about what it means for America and the world to change but what is the essence of change? Historically change summoned in events that moved political and family systems that created new ways of communicating and living.
Most of the time change is good but painful. It draws out the best and worst in our inner voice.
We are a compilation of our life events and experiences and you can only hope that whatever you have become has benefited your self and others. Textually change means to make different or alter and the process or condition of changing. I like the latter. No matter what decade and we happen to be living in a high tech world, so change will always be a process or condition that we shape, create, embrace and move to action. The forming of ideas to create a transformation of beliefs that us humans can then connect to and communicate effectively with each other. I think that change in the past has always centered on losing something, a loss or some type of eruption that brings chaos. I believe defining change in our current decade is to mature our definition to mean drawing upon our experiences and uncertainties and processing those experiences with the future visions that make note of the voices of those very political systems, families, climate, communities and the rising ideas of a global environment that push us forward into action. It is a more open and inclusive approach where we reach out not only from our own perspective but from a rising of inner voices.

(1st Innervoice post called "Re-Defining Change" published January 7th, 2008 by Gloria J Bailey)