Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What's all this Hair Business About?

NBCD Journal 17

What is all this hair business about?

Over the past few years I have changed hair styles, some by choice and other styles by no choice but it’s a journey that all women take and particularly as it relates to African American hair. There are so many directions the hair industry has lead, pushed and shoved African American women to invent and re-invent the next trendy hairstyle without analyzing the consequence that plays out every day on our subconscious mind and the damage of the hair follicles. While I am certainly grateful that we have come a long way in advancing the health of a hair product or the versatility of how we can wear our hair, it has taken a long time for the industry to combine a diversity of beauty and hair fashion from the old school straight- fried- and laid to the side to free flowing locks, curly wavy coifs and natural styles. We as Black women have endured a lot of pressure to conform to a standard main stream beauty which does not accept us in the state we enter this world from birth. What if tomorrow all the hair products disappeared from the face of the earth, would we still feel beautiful? Think about that for a minute.
I like to stay active and choose hairstyles that will allow me to exercise without worrying about my hair.
Unfortunately, there are Black women who will not work out or swim as much just to keep their hair perfect. I choose my health over the image of a hairstyle any day. Don’t get me wrong, I like to look pretty but hair should not compromise my health and weight goals. God willing, I want to stick around in this life to look and feel good for many more years.

Stay, mentally, physically and spiritually healthy—

Let Your Inner Voice Rise-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey

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