Welcome to my Great News!
What is the good news? The launch of my new innervoice logo.
The logo is a culmination of my personal and professional journey
that encompasses the the story of my childhood,experiences,artistry, creativity, thoughts, voice and sound. Under the new logo will be the development of Consulting, creative writing, publishing, media, design and crossing the barrier of communication through translation and interpretation of voice, sound and language. The voice, sound and language is an influence of my childhood growing up in a household of a deaf mother and a hearing father and the deafness or hearing impairment of some of my sisters, nieces, nephews and friends. It is truly a triumphant story of how my parents adapted a family to a disability or a blessing depending on how you look at it and educated ten children up through college and taught the hearing and non-hearing children to RISE above challenges,stigmas and to keep our spiritual and family values close to our heart as we faced life on a daily basis. In the future,I will speak on spoken words that translate in the silence and the inspiration, interpretation and revelation of thoughts that influence our lives.
My family was always a mixture of primarily African Americans,Cherokee Indian, European, Irish, Hispanic and Asian. Through my younger nieces and nephews I have seen the cultures of my family broaden even further.
Innervoice is also an influence of the people I have met on my life journey and our shared experiences. Many people have stories but the experiences and stories I share with you are accounts of my family, loved ones and friends life journey. Keep on telling your true authentic story as I do and never accept to be silenced by negativity. You own your own journey. Keep telling it.
The South Carolinian novel that I am working on is in character development! The novel will be apart of the revised Inner voice Brand and logo.
Description of Innervoice: Innvervoice logo is a combination of Scriptural writing with a feminine touch. It has an edge and whimsical quality with the letter "R" and the "O" in the word voice and has a natural organic, leafy and fluid letter "I" and "V" in the middle. The color indicates a darker red, burgundy or maroon mauve. I worked with the graphic designer and received feedback on giving him a description of my vision and words that have described my life, loved ones and friends journey over the years and he began to visually design and forge the initial identity that you currently see as a logo. Check back as I begin to expand and revise the logo.
The Graphic Logo Designer: Mr. Shawn Enojado
Innervoice circle artwork design is all rights reserved. (Gloria J Bailey)
Let Your Inner Voice RISE-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
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