I am exercising my creative talents and artistic skills to design a new logo for Innervoice reflective of my journey of the past and vision of the future. As always I honor the past and my presence in it and now I look forward to the expanse of the future and the moments it will bring. My creative design and artwork will reflect those moments and I have no idea what the result will be. That's the fun part. Stay tuned......
Gloria J Bailey
Let Your Innervoice Rise-
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Hybrid, Chameleon and all parts in between? We're Just People.
As our nation completes the 2010 census and the United States and the world moves toward a more racially and ethnically diverse population, many still are challenged by their identity. Groups of people although increasingly becoming smaller still challenge and minimize their own cultural heritage and individual expression but also seek to oppress other diverse populations.
The fact still remains whether you have a spiritual, humanist, historical or an ideological view, we can not change our biological DNA. Sure you can view yourself spiritually and embrace your identity as a child of God and that is your choice but when we are born unto this earth we are also the parts of our parents. Since the beginning of time cultures have intermingled through trade, workplace and marriage, so this notion that how did America or the world become so multicultural or a melting pot of sorts should be of no surprise. It is only a surprise to people who have made a selective choice to identify and socialize with only people of their own skin color or belief systems. Many in the past and current day use skin color in their mind to move up economically and escape the so called burdens of a particular race they believe are holding them back from prosperity. An example would be the "passing for white" or Caucasian during the slavery system. Ironically, it was a double edged sword as the benefits of skin color brought on by unjust laws and policies was based on a false hierarchy of entitlement that was morally wrong. Many know this deep down in their hearts but often times, and unfortunately, status, praise and greed trumps the moral high ground.
Lately, since the election of President Obama people have taken their rants out on people of color in the form of comments such as "Hybrids", meaning that if your heritage is of two or more races then your some sort of other strange anomaly floating somewhere in space whereby they can't wrap their heads around the fact that a person who was born of multiple races could not possibly negotiate their two worlds, let alone have educational, historical and social views that may be similar or different from their own. God forgive them, they don't know any better. Of course we all should be proud of our heritage, no matter what our skin color, experience or disability but that also means not isolating yourselves culturally within your own groups including your church groups, which by the way is one of the reasons for decline in church attendance because outdated social religious morays are not in tune with the younger generation way of life, so the result is religious governing bodies who continue to set agendas and programs that don't speak to their changing or diverse population. For sure, there are folks who just don't understand or care to know the historical and cultural history of a group and tend to take the community value approach, which is fine but the community is made up of different people and culturally orientated groups practice and view their spiritual beliefs and religions in their own way, even if they all share the same faith. As resources in our world environment are becoming more scarce, we should re-think how we live and converse with one another no matter how old you are. Some promote a multitude of identities and I call this the chameleon approach and that's fine too as long as you don't get confused with what is your core belief. The only problem with the chameleon approach is that people take on so many identities and absorb others identities as their own to the point that they lose their own identity along the way. I for one,who entered back into a more formal workplace rather than a home office, have just recently became aware of shadowing and its affects. The chameleon approach taken too far is the most harmful because if you factor out skin color, cultural group and spirituality, you are left with pure emotion and that can be uncontrollable.
So let's just leave the term hybrid to the electric cars and the human genome project; Chameleon to a changeable positive transformation while knowing your core self; and all the parts in between as a tribute to where you have been and where you are going.
As I have said in the past, I embrace all of who I am and at the center of that is my belief in God. So as the butterfly changes, transforms, rises and have fun doing it, the wings are never too far from the spiritual core.
Hybrid, Chameleon and all parts in between? We're Just People.
Let Your Inner Voice Rise-
Gloria J Bailey
The fact still remains whether you have a spiritual, humanist, historical or an ideological view, we can not change our biological DNA. Sure you can view yourself spiritually and embrace your identity as a child of God and that is your choice but when we are born unto this earth we are also the parts of our parents. Since the beginning of time cultures have intermingled through trade, workplace and marriage, so this notion that how did America or the world become so multicultural or a melting pot of sorts should be of no surprise. It is only a surprise to people who have made a selective choice to identify and socialize with only people of their own skin color or belief systems. Many in the past and current day use skin color in their mind to move up economically and escape the so called burdens of a particular race they believe are holding them back from prosperity. An example would be the "passing for white" or Caucasian during the slavery system. Ironically, it was a double edged sword as the benefits of skin color brought on by unjust laws and policies was based on a false hierarchy of entitlement that was morally wrong. Many know this deep down in their hearts but often times, and unfortunately, status, praise and greed trumps the moral high ground.
Lately, since the election of President Obama people have taken their rants out on people of color in the form of comments such as "Hybrids", meaning that if your heritage is of two or more races then your some sort of other strange anomaly floating somewhere in space whereby they can't wrap their heads around the fact that a person who was born of multiple races could not possibly negotiate their two worlds, let alone have educational, historical and social views that may be similar or different from their own. God forgive them, they don't know any better. Of course we all should be proud of our heritage, no matter what our skin color, experience or disability but that also means not isolating yourselves culturally within your own groups including your church groups, which by the way is one of the reasons for decline in church attendance because outdated social religious morays are not in tune with the younger generation way of life, so the result is religious governing bodies who continue to set agendas and programs that don't speak to their changing or diverse population. For sure, there are folks who just don't understand or care to know the historical and cultural history of a group and tend to take the community value approach, which is fine but the community is made up of different people and culturally orientated groups practice and view their spiritual beliefs and religions in their own way, even if they all share the same faith. As resources in our world environment are becoming more scarce, we should re-think how we live and converse with one another no matter how old you are. Some promote a multitude of identities and I call this the chameleon approach and that's fine too as long as you don't get confused with what is your core belief. The only problem with the chameleon approach is that people take on so many identities and absorb others identities as their own to the point that they lose their own identity along the way. I for one,who entered back into a more formal workplace rather than a home office, have just recently became aware of shadowing and its affects. The chameleon approach taken too far is the most harmful because if you factor out skin color, cultural group and spirituality, you are left with pure emotion and that can be uncontrollable.
So let's just leave the term hybrid to the electric cars and the human genome project; Chameleon to a changeable positive transformation while knowing your core self; and all the parts in between as a tribute to where you have been and where you are going.
As I have said in the past, I embrace all of who I am and at the center of that is my belief in God. So as the butterfly changes, transforms, rises and have fun doing it, the wings are never too far from the spiritual core.
Hybrid, Chameleon and all parts in between? We're Just People.
Let Your Inner Voice Rise-
Gloria J Bailey
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
"Mercy, Mercy Me" What's Going On"?
Environment and Conservation. Two words that cause different reactions depending on which side of the debate you fall on. Surely, by now with all the scientific evidence and ecological weather events that we all have experienced,there should be little doubt that there is a Global Climate Problem that needs to be addressed as we speak.
Many researchers are documenting and collating information and now it's time to implement the solutions. I've always pondered ideas about how we can reduce wasted consumption in mass quantity even though I still need to be more conscious of the climate. Once, I even drew out plans and researched machines to reduce aluminum that was user friendly to the public. Maybe I'll patent it one day.
The point is that we need fresh and new ideas of innovation to combine with scientific research in the same room and remove the red tape and enclosed categorized boxes that stifle creativity and the ideas of change. We are reminded of the oil spills that continue to happen and I recall the time I spent living in San Pedro, California where many Marine Mammals including Sea Lions suffered deaths due to the domoic poisoning off the Los Angeles County California Coast due to lack of facilities and expertise. Those heroic Marine Biologist and Sea life workers who cared for these animals were apart of the Whale Rescue Team. It was sad to see and my middle son had an eye opening experience as he learned first hand in his classroom lesson to protect the environment during California history week and on a field trip to San Juan Capistrano. Of course it helped that his 4th grade teacher was married to a Marine Biologist so the students learned all sorts of information and empathy for the suffering of animals and the environment. My son was nervous about going on the field trip because he thought a California Bear which is on the State Seal was going to eat him on the hiking part of the trip. I assured him even though I was nervous myself that he would come back in one piece and he did.
Unfortunately, Coast across the United States and around the world are not being protected as they could be from environmental hazards or human suffering lest we forget the tragic events of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and many other man made and natural disasters that the world could do without.
I have been listening to singer Marvin Gaye's music and the songs that inspired the 80's is applicable to the year 2010. I like mostly all of his music and on an environmental note, I have been vibing to the songs "Mercy, Mercy Me" and "What's Going On." Very relevant and socially conscious music that was ahead of it's time.
Certainly addressing changes in the way we consume, live and take care of the earth is a complex issue but we must begin to put the plan in action in each phase to begin the process of making progress towards solutions and the educational awareness and spiritual reckoning of this God given planet that we share.
Inspirational Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ97jPY9ejs
Or you can view the video clip on You Tube under Mercy,Mercy Me and
What Going On? Marvin Gaye, 1980's Live Concert at Jazz Festival Montreux.
Let Your Inner Voice Rise-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Many researchers are documenting and collating information and now it's time to implement the solutions. I've always pondered ideas about how we can reduce wasted consumption in mass quantity even though I still need to be more conscious of the climate. Once, I even drew out plans and researched machines to reduce aluminum that was user friendly to the public. Maybe I'll patent it one day.
The point is that we need fresh and new ideas of innovation to combine with scientific research in the same room and remove the red tape and enclosed categorized boxes that stifle creativity and the ideas of change. We are reminded of the oil spills that continue to happen and I recall the time I spent living in San Pedro, California where many Marine Mammals including Sea Lions suffered deaths due to the domoic poisoning off the Los Angeles County California Coast due to lack of facilities and expertise. Those heroic Marine Biologist and Sea life workers who cared for these animals were apart of the Whale Rescue Team. It was sad to see and my middle son had an eye opening experience as he learned first hand in his classroom lesson to protect the environment during California history week and on a field trip to San Juan Capistrano. Of course it helped that his 4th grade teacher was married to a Marine Biologist so the students learned all sorts of information and empathy for the suffering of animals and the environment. My son was nervous about going on the field trip because he thought a California Bear which is on the State Seal was going to eat him on the hiking part of the trip. I assured him even though I was nervous myself that he would come back in one piece and he did.
Unfortunately, Coast across the United States and around the world are not being protected as they could be from environmental hazards or human suffering lest we forget the tragic events of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and many other man made and natural disasters that the world could do without.
I have been listening to singer Marvin Gaye's music and the songs that inspired the 80's is applicable to the year 2010. I like mostly all of his music and on an environmental note, I have been vibing to the songs "Mercy, Mercy Me" and "What's Going On." Very relevant and socially conscious music that was ahead of it's time.
Certainly addressing changes in the way we consume, live and take care of the earth is a complex issue but we must begin to put the plan in action in each phase to begin the process of making progress towards solutions and the educational awareness and spiritual reckoning of this God given planet that we share.
Inspirational Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ97jPY9ejs
Or you can view the video clip on You Tube under Mercy,Mercy Me and
What Going On? Marvin Gaye, 1980's Live Concert at Jazz Festival Montreux.
Let Your Inner Voice Rise-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A Well Rounded Heart and Mind
Empathy, compassion, gratitude are some of the emotions that come to mind when I think of how people connect with one another. The ability to reach across our emotional divide and be able to feel for another individual who is from a completely different world than your own is still a difficult cross roads for most humans to embrace.
Over the past several months, I have been thinking about what it means to have a well rounded heart. The thought that occurred to me is “ACTS.” What we as humans do with our emotions that affect our actions towards one another. For instance, if you harbor anger, jealously, hate, prejudices, self-righteousness and resentment towards another individual the decisions you make on a daily basis are acts carried out to hurt that person. Now, people will fool themselves in believing that those negative emotions could not possibly belong in their hearts. After all, folks say of themselves, “ that’s not me because I pray, meditate, go to church dutifully and was saved by” Jesus, Jehovah, I AM or Allah or experienced a spiritual awakening. Somehow, we disconnect our everyday acts and emotions with how we treat one another. As a child and up to present day I’ve belonged to and visited many places of worship across the country. Each place had its own rituals, scriptural beliefs and interpretations and ways of spiritual healing. What I have learned is a lesson that has come full circle back to some teachings of my high school world history teacher who was also a minister, who during the summers traveled back to his home country church. In this world history class we were assigned many varied religious readings and debated historical and religious beliefs. The teacher gave us space to express our thoughts while he moderated and interjected factual evidence. He had a good way of redirecting the students to find common ground or guiding us to recognize our individual or collective thoughts that led to our own conclusions rather than being pressured into someone’s own ideology or agenda. The teacher never seemed to judge or separate a student for their religious or cultural beliefs. This atmosphere made for an open environment where people felt safe from division, isolation and bias judgment. The summary of my conclusion was that there is some truth in most religions and at the end of the day, after the scripture has been read, interpreted, thought out, prayed on and discussed, you follow and ACT on your unique God given path to where the spirit moves you and talks to you. Stand strong in your beliefs and faith while opening your mind to views and change. While sometimes painful and uncomfortable, it can only create growth within your mind and heart.
During my past and present journey, I had always learned about early Christianity dating back to ancient times and ancient Egypt within the churches I attended or in my formal education.
My inner voice is unique to my journey as it is unique to my families spiritual journey. Most good hearted folks share a common spiritual goal. I find humor in the biblical “Tower of Babel Story”. I quietly giggle at how the humans built a great tower to themselves and one common language of their own human will to garner power in their kingdom and how Yahweh looked upon the silly humans and broke up their tower and scattered their one language into many languages across the earth. God knew what ancient diversification meant for smug, close minded, power hungry humans of ancient Babylon and the scenario still applies today. One of the ways to embrace empathy, compassion and gratitude as a part of our everyday lives is carrying out the ACTS of a Well rounded heart and mind.
Keep the Faith and stay mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.
Let Your Inner Voice Rise-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Over the past several months, I have been thinking about what it means to have a well rounded heart. The thought that occurred to me is “ACTS.” What we as humans do with our emotions that affect our actions towards one another. For instance, if you harbor anger, jealously, hate, prejudices, self-righteousness and resentment towards another individual the decisions you make on a daily basis are acts carried out to hurt that person. Now, people will fool themselves in believing that those negative emotions could not possibly belong in their hearts. After all, folks say of themselves, “ that’s not me because I pray, meditate, go to church dutifully and was saved by” Jesus, Jehovah, I AM or Allah or experienced a spiritual awakening. Somehow, we disconnect our everyday acts and emotions with how we treat one another. As a child and up to present day I’ve belonged to and visited many places of worship across the country. Each place had its own rituals, scriptural beliefs and interpretations and ways of spiritual healing. What I have learned is a lesson that has come full circle back to some teachings of my high school world history teacher who was also a minister, who during the summers traveled back to his home country church. In this world history class we were assigned many varied religious readings and debated historical and religious beliefs. The teacher gave us space to express our thoughts while he moderated and interjected factual evidence. He had a good way of redirecting the students to find common ground or guiding us to recognize our individual or collective thoughts that led to our own conclusions rather than being pressured into someone’s own ideology or agenda. The teacher never seemed to judge or separate a student for their religious or cultural beliefs. This atmosphere made for an open environment where people felt safe from division, isolation and bias judgment. The summary of my conclusion was that there is some truth in most religions and at the end of the day, after the scripture has been read, interpreted, thought out, prayed on and discussed, you follow and ACT on your unique God given path to where the spirit moves you and talks to you. Stand strong in your beliefs and faith while opening your mind to views and change. While sometimes painful and uncomfortable, it can only create growth within your mind and heart.
During my past and present journey, I had always learned about early Christianity dating back to ancient times and ancient Egypt within the churches I attended or in my formal education.
My inner voice is unique to my journey as it is unique to my families spiritual journey. Most good hearted folks share a common spiritual goal. I find humor in the biblical “Tower of Babel Story”. I quietly giggle at how the humans built a great tower to themselves and one common language of their own human will to garner power in their kingdom and how Yahweh looked upon the silly humans and broke up their tower and scattered their one language into many languages across the earth. God knew what ancient diversification meant for smug, close minded, power hungry humans of ancient Babylon and the scenario still applies today. One of the ways to embrace empathy, compassion and gratitude as a part of our everyday lives is carrying out the ACTS of a Well rounded heart and mind.
Keep the Faith and stay mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.
Let Your Inner Voice Rise-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The W.O.W.!! Factor
Recently, I have been reflecting on the character, qualities and accomplishments that partly define my being as a woman and the women of my family. While growing up you notice patterns that describe your mother, grandmother, aunts, sisters, nieces, female cousins, close family friends and childhood girl friends. Some of those qualities are strength, understanding, humor, intellect, vibrancy, attitude, style, grace, love, nurturing, religion, forgiveness, ambition, determination and focus.
I realized those qualities is what produced fine character in the woman I know.
It's the same qualities and characteristics that made us strive,achieve and reach for the best of our soul. When I struck out on my own to find the woman I would become, I sought out people who had an understanding of a woman's work and what that meant to the world. No doubt, it meant bringing all those positive self affirmations as a contribution to our families and community.
When I entered College as a young woman who was vulnerable and uncertain of her image and journey, I waited for an epiphany to strike me at the tender and fragile age of 21. I thought some shower of wisdom would pour down on me and in all my overly confident natural beauty and artistic intellect, that the world would see the light and reward me for my enlightenment. Well, what Can I say, I was truly feeling it. The good thing was I enjoyed my own company and still do. It does not take long before you realize that your not the center of the earth as life taps you on the shoulder and reminds you of your place in this universe.
I got off track and had not practiced drawing from my inner strength because that voice would have told me you have all those qualities and characteristics inside of you that was passed down and taught to you by the women that came before you. As I became more confident as a student and matured closer to womanhood, I constantly reminded myself to apply those family traits to my daily life.
While on campus interning with the Wayne State University (Detroit) College Day program, I heard about how the "Women of Wayne" which nickname is (W.O.W.) and how they assisted some of my female colleagues with scholarships, resources and support to uplift females in academics, research, service and networking. The alumni group shared similar qualities the women in my family had passed on to me and I admired the W.O.W. contribution to the university and community as my co-workers and many female students have benefited from (W.O.W's)resources and services.
I have some amazing women in my family and have met some amazing fellow women alumni.
Who we are and what we have become is nothing surprising or new to us because it is a long and distinguished history. I am proud of the women in my family and female colleagues. So, if we seem a little too strong for those who have not met us or known our life history then understand that it's called the W.O.W. Factor!!
Let Your Inner Voice RISE-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Check it out: http://culturalcommentaryartist.ning.com
Recently, I have been reflecting on the character, qualities and accomplishments that partly define my being as a woman and the women of my family. While growing up you notice patterns that describe your mother, grandmother, aunts, sisters, nieces, female cousins, close family friends and childhood girl friends. Some of those qualities are strength, understanding, humor, intellect, vibrancy, attitude, style, grace, love, nurturing, religion, forgiveness, ambition, determination and focus.
I realized those qualities is what produced fine character in the woman I know.
It's the same qualities and characteristics that made us strive,achieve and reach for the best of our soul. When I struck out on my own to find the woman I would become, I sought out people who had an understanding of a woman's work and what that meant to the world. No doubt, it meant bringing all those positive self affirmations as a contribution to our families and community.
When I entered College as a young woman who was vulnerable and uncertain of her image and journey, I waited for an epiphany to strike me at the tender and fragile age of 21. I thought some shower of wisdom would pour down on me and in all my overly confident natural beauty and artistic intellect, that the world would see the light and reward me for my enlightenment. Well, what Can I say, I was truly feeling it. The good thing was I enjoyed my own company and still do. It does not take long before you realize that your not the center of the earth as life taps you on the shoulder and reminds you of your place in this universe.
I got off track and had not practiced drawing from my inner strength because that voice would have told me you have all those qualities and characteristics inside of you that was passed down and taught to you by the women that came before you. As I became more confident as a student and matured closer to womanhood, I constantly reminded myself to apply those family traits to my daily life.
While on campus interning with the Wayne State University (Detroit) College Day program, I heard about how the "Women of Wayne" which nickname is (W.O.W.) and how they assisted some of my female colleagues with scholarships, resources and support to uplift females in academics, research, service and networking. The alumni group shared similar qualities the women in my family had passed on to me and I admired the W.O.W. contribution to the university and community as my co-workers and many female students have benefited from (W.O.W's)resources and services.
I have some amazing women in my family and have met some amazing fellow women alumni.
Who we are and what we have become is nothing surprising or new to us because it is a long and distinguished history. I am proud of the women in my family and female colleagues. So, if we seem a little too strong for those who have not met us or known our life history then understand that it's called the W.O.W. Factor!!
Let Your Inner Voice RISE-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Check it out: http://culturalcommentaryartist.ning.com
Women of Wayne,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Carson McCullers: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Author Carson McCullers
The other day I was going through my library of books and as I traced my fingers across the cover jackets looking for a good read that would peak my interest, I stopped on a title I had not read since my college english literature class. I must have re-read it again since I found a bookmark in the middle of the book that was dated 10 years ago and the pages and cover have started to yellow. The book was author Carson McCullers, "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter".
I remember most parts of the book but what I remember most is how it moved me emotionally to feel compassion for the characters. I tend to dread reading books as emotionally twisting as this because it takes me a little while to recover from the connection I feel with the stories.
So, I have decided to delve into the book again for spring reading.
Here is the Book Jacket Description:
When she was only twenty-three, this was Carson McCuller's first novel, that created a literary sensation.
She is very special, one of America's superlative writers who conjures up a vision of existence as terrible as it is real, who takes us on shattering voyages into the depths of the spiritual isolation that underlies the human condition. This novel is the work of a supreme artist, Carson McCuller's enduring masterpiece. The heroine is the strange young girl, Mick Kelly. The setting is a small Southern town, the cosmos universal and eternal.
The characters are the damned, the voiceless, the rejected. Some fight their loneliness with violence and depravity, some with sex or drink, and some--like Mick--with a quiet, intensely personal search for beauty.
Another Short spring read from my worned book collection is:
Thornton Wilder's, "The Bridge of San Luis Rey"
Book Jacket Description: The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Thornton Wilder's second novel, won him the first of his three Pulitzer Prizes. The novel opens in the aftermath of an inexplicable tragedy-- a tiny footbridge in Peru breaks, and five people hurtle to their deaths. For Brother Juniper, a humble monk who witnesses the catastrophe, the question is inescapable: Why those five? Suddenly. Brother Juniper is committed to discover what manner of lives they led-- and whether it was divine intervention that took their lives, or a capricious fate.
I plan to recover from these thought provoking and emotional roller coaster books by reading a few comedies.
Check out my other blog: http://culturalcommentaryartist.ning.com
Happy Reading
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
The other day I was going through my library of books and as I traced my fingers across the cover jackets looking for a good read that would peak my interest, I stopped on a title I had not read since my college english literature class. I must have re-read it again since I found a bookmark in the middle of the book that was dated 10 years ago and the pages and cover have started to yellow. The book was author Carson McCullers, "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter".
I remember most parts of the book but what I remember most is how it moved me emotionally to feel compassion for the characters. I tend to dread reading books as emotionally twisting as this because it takes me a little while to recover from the connection I feel with the stories.
So, I have decided to delve into the book again for spring reading.
Here is the Book Jacket Description:
When she was only twenty-three, this was Carson McCuller's first novel, that created a literary sensation.
She is very special, one of America's superlative writers who conjures up a vision of existence as terrible as it is real, who takes us on shattering voyages into the depths of the spiritual isolation that underlies the human condition. This novel is the work of a supreme artist, Carson McCuller's enduring masterpiece. The heroine is the strange young girl, Mick Kelly. The setting is a small Southern town, the cosmos universal and eternal.
The characters are the damned, the voiceless, the rejected. Some fight their loneliness with violence and depravity, some with sex or drink, and some--like Mick--with a quiet, intensely personal search for beauty.
Another Short spring read from my worned book collection is:
Thornton Wilder's, "The Bridge of San Luis Rey"
Book Jacket Description: The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Thornton Wilder's second novel, won him the first of his three Pulitzer Prizes. The novel opens in the aftermath of an inexplicable tragedy-- a tiny footbridge in Peru breaks, and five people hurtle to their deaths. For Brother Juniper, a humble monk who witnesses the catastrophe, the question is inescapable: Why those five? Suddenly. Brother Juniper is committed to discover what manner of lives they led-- and whether it was divine intervention that took their lives, or a capricious fate.
I plan to recover from these thought provoking and emotional roller coaster books by reading a few comedies.
Check out my other blog: http://culturalcommentaryartist.ning.com
Happy Reading
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
A Tribute to Ted Hunt
The original and motivational Ted Hunt-
I recall the first years of College when I met Mr. Ted Hunt. He was fatherly, charismatic, wise and an original.
I started thinking about what does it mean to be an original when so many things are canned, staged or contrived to fit a so called image. I am optimistic, but find that originality is slowly diminishing in our society.
There are signs of it's demise in the lack of new generative ideas. Where are the individuals who create an idea completely on their own? We also gain knowledge from our experiences and history which provide those original thoughts. We should never compromise on aspiring to do the arduous work of seeking originality. What does that mean?
The Webster's dictionary list it as being an authentic work of art or the first form of anything and furthermore the definition expounds that originality is something fresh and novel. All these terms are a good basic description but as we face the future and learn from the past, we should embrace originality as not only a core center of ourselves but as an extension to all that we are. Every part of me spiritually, mentally and culturally, I accept wholeheartedly. Irregardless of the burdens I have learned to love all parts of myself which can not be duplicated.
While I listened to Ted Hunt speak in the 1980's during college, I heard the originality of his message in his voice. I still review his training materials. Mr. Hunt developed a Motivational Series for Youth called "Yes I Can".
The series was published in Detroit by Brumich and was entitled: Turning on to Yourself. I consider Ted an original because he took what worked and what he already knew and developed an original plan to address low self esteem. He had given workshops to Detroit Public School students on counteracting the poor attitude and excuses on why the teens could not suceed in school. Ted knew that it was not just academics alone that would build the mind and character of youth, but he knew that it was their original core of self that needed to be addressed as apart of the education of a child. His message in the 1980's was called Today's Youth: How to strive to be the best person you can be." This title still applies to students today.
Mr. Hunt's "Seven Keys to Personality" were 1) Desire 2) Faith 3) Hope 4) Smile 5) Kindness 6) Romance 7) Charity. Ted took old themes and taught youth in a real world applicable way and his original output was the interpretation and individuality of what each student developed as their goals.
I was apart of a Wayne State University (Detroit) counselor intern M. L. King/ Rosa Parks/ Cesar Chavez College Day program where we administered this training to at risk public school youth.
Mr Hunt has been deceased for a while and I still recall his speeches. He had many wonderful motivational sayings. I remember one in particular. Ted said, "I know that when love and skill work together, you can expect a masterpiece! May Ted Hunt's memory live on. He was an original.
Let Your Inner Voice RISE-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Check it out: http://culturalcommentaryartist.ning.com
I recall the first years of College when I met Mr. Ted Hunt. He was fatherly, charismatic, wise and an original.
I started thinking about what does it mean to be an original when so many things are canned, staged or contrived to fit a so called image. I am optimistic, but find that originality is slowly diminishing in our society.
There are signs of it's demise in the lack of new generative ideas. Where are the individuals who create an idea completely on their own? We also gain knowledge from our experiences and history which provide those original thoughts. We should never compromise on aspiring to do the arduous work of seeking originality. What does that mean?
The Webster's dictionary list it as being an authentic work of art or the first form of anything and furthermore the definition expounds that originality is something fresh and novel. All these terms are a good basic description but as we face the future and learn from the past, we should embrace originality as not only a core center of ourselves but as an extension to all that we are. Every part of me spiritually, mentally and culturally, I accept wholeheartedly. Irregardless of the burdens I have learned to love all parts of myself which can not be duplicated.
While I listened to Ted Hunt speak in the 1980's during college, I heard the originality of his message in his voice. I still review his training materials. Mr. Hunt developed a Motivational Series for Youth called "Yes I Can".
The series was published in Detroit by Brumich and was entitled: Turning on to Yourself. I consider Ted an original because he took what worked and what he already knew and developed an original plan to address low self esteem. He had given workshops to Detroit Public School students on counteracting the poor attitude and excuses on why the teens could not suceed in school. Ted knew that it was not just academics alone that would build the mind and character of youth, but he knew that it was their original core of self that needed to be addressed as apart of the education of a child. His message in the 1980's was called Today's Youth: How to strive to be the best person you can be." This title still applies to students today.
Mr. Hunt's "Seven Keys to Personality" were 1) Desire 2) Faith 3) Hope 4) Smile 5) Kindness 6) Romance 7) Charity. Ted took old themes and taught youth in a real world applicable way and his original output was the interpretation and individuality of what each student developed as their goals.
I was apart of a Wayne State University (Detroit) counselor intern M. L. King/ Rosa Parks/ Cesar Chavez College Day program where we administered this training to at risk public school youth.
Mr Hunt has been deceased for a while and I still recall his speeches. He had many wonderful motivational sayings. I remember one in particular. Ted said, "I know that when love and skill work together, you can expect a masterpiece! May Ted Hunt's memory live on. He was an original.
Let Your Inner Voice RISE-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
Check it out: http://culturalcommentaryartist.ning.com
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
InnerVoice New Logo Launch

Welcome to my Great News!
What is the good news? The launch of my new innervoice logo.
The logo is a culmination of my personal and professional journey
that encompasses the the story of my childhood,experiences,artistry, creativity, thoughts, voice and sound. Under the new logo will be the development of Consulting, creative writing, publishing, media, design and crossing the barrier of communication through translation and interpretation of voice, sound and language. The voice, sound and language is an influence of my childhood growing up in a household of a deaf mother and a hearing father and the deafness or hearing impairment of some of my sisters, nieces, nephews and friends. It is truly a triumphant story of how my parents adapted a family to a disability or a blessing depending on how you look at it and educated ten children up through college and taught the hearing and non-hearing children to RISE above challenges,stigmas and to keep our spiritual and family values close to our heart as we faced life on a daily basis. In the future,I will speak on spoken words that translate in the silence and the inspiration, interpretation and revelation of thoughts that influence our lives.
My family was always a mixture of primarily African Americans,Cherokee Indian, European, Irish, Hispanic and Asian. Through my younger nieces and nephews I have seen the cultures of my family broaden even further.
Innervoice is also an influence of the people I have met on my life journey and our shared experiences. Many people have stories but the experiences and stories I share with you are accounts of my family, loved ones and friends life journey. Keep on telling your true authentic story as I do and never accept to be silenced by negativity. You own your own journey. Keep telling it.
The South Carolinian novel that I am working on is in character development! The novel will be apart of the revised Inner voice Brand and logo.
Description of Innervoice: Innvervoice logo is a combination of Scriptural writing with a feminine touch. It has an edge and whimsical quality with the letter "R" and the "O" in the word voice and has a natural organic, leafy and fluid letter "I" and "V" in the middle. The color indicates a darker red, burgundy or maroon mauve. I worked with the graphic designer and received feedback on giving him a description of my vision and words that have described my life, loved ones and friends journey over the years and he began to visually design and forge the initial identity that you currently see as a logo. Check back as I begin to expand and revise the logo.
The Graphic Logo Designer: Mr. Shawn Enojado
Innervoice circle artwork design is all rights reserved. (Gloria J Bailey)
Let Your Inner Voice RISE-
Gloria J Harden-Bailey
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